

Wit puppets is proud to have produced over a hundred puppets for television and media since 1994. Wit has worked for all of Iceland's largest production companies, contributing to commercials, television, and the theatre.
To see samples visit puppets or video.

TV series

Gudmundur is the puppet performer and voice of Ziggy, in 40 twenty two minute episode series called “Lazytown”. The show aired in the US on Nick Jr. and CBS in 2004. For more info on “Lazytown” visit: or Nick Jr. at:

Head of design alongside Magnus Scheving, for 6 foam-latex puppets and 6 bonracu style puppets built at Neal Scanlan Studio for a show called “Lazytown” in 2003. For more info on Neal Scanlan Studio visit:

Performed two puppets for a 8 episode series called "Orkuboltinn" in 2003.

Designed, built and performed the host of a TV series called "Children's Morning Television" airing every weekend in 2000-2001.

Built 13 foam-latex puppets alongside Stefan Jorgen Agustson, for "Lazy Town" in 1999.

Twenty-four episode series called "Klaengur Snidugi" for State TV in 1997. Built ten out of a total of nineteen puppets and operated four puppets.

Made a series of puppet shows called "Skritniskogur" for a children's program, Channel 2 in 1995. Designed and built six puppets and operated two.

Designed and built four puppets and operated one for a series called "Lulli and Gori" for Children's Television, State TV, in 1994.

TV specials

Performed one puppet in a video production of Lazy Town in 2000.

Designed, built and operated an animatronic puppet for a series of health promotion specials for the Surgeon General of Iceland, 1996.

Designed and built five puppet characters and operated three puppets for a christmas special for Channel 2 in 1995.

Comedy special for State TV election night program in 1995. Designed and built twelve puppet caricatures of Icelandic politicians and operated several puppets.


Gudmundur is the creator of a childrens television show called The Sidekicks. In the spring of 2003 he produced and directed an 18 min pilot for the show. For that pilot he built 3 bonracu style puppets and performed one of them.

Head of design for two bonracu style puppets built at Artem for a pilot of a show called “Lazytown”. Performed one puppet in a pilot in 2002. For more info on Artem visit:

Designed and built a group of puppet characters and operated several puppets for a pilot called “Búbbarnir” for television station "Skjar einn" in 2000.

Stage plays & live events

Built and operated one puppet for the children's play "Lazy Town" at the National Theatre of Iceland. "Lazy Town" was the most popular Icelandic stage play in the winter of 1999-2000.

Has performed in over 60 live shows with the "Lazy Town" characters for various parties, 1999-2002.


Performed four puppets for a series of TV commercials for a radio station, “Fjölskylduútvarp Latibær” in 2002.

Performed one puppet for a series of commercials for a bank campaign called “Lató hagkerfið” in 2002

Co-scripted and operated two characters for scetches on “Icelandair’s” in-flight TV 2001.

Performed one puppet for a Japanese Toyota commercial series in 2001.

Made 4 TV advertisments for "Islenskir Graenmetisbaendur" Co-scripted and operated three puppets in 2000.

Built an animatronic arm for a TV commercial for the Icelandic National Telephone Company, 1998.

Designed and built a group of eight puppet characters and operated three puppets for a series of TV advertisements for “Sveinn bakari” in 1994.


Performed puppet characters for an introductory CD-Rom disc for the "Lazy Town" project in 1999.

Built two puppets and operated one for a series of music videos for a children's program for the Icelandic State TV in 1999.










furry funky

Wit puppets   Freyjugata 44    101 Reykjavik Iceland    tel: +354 *** ****    mobile: +354 *** ****   
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